The Chemical You: You Are What You Think About

A cell dividing.
Image courtesy of ar130405 on Pixabay

What if I told you your body is living in the past? You’d probably be a little confused, right?

What if I told you the past is so alive in your cells that they have become addicted to it? You’d probably continue being confused, and maybe a bit anxious.

What if I told you everything you know to be real is simply a combination of chemicals repeated repeatedly?

You’d probably want to know more so you can change anything you don’t like or exclusively choose. At least, I hope so.

A few weeks ago, I was ignorant of everything I typed above. I had an elementary understanding of how thoughts genuinely affect us, causing me to become frustrated each time I tried to change my circumstances.

I didn’t realize I was up against a huge tsunami of chemical reactions, all spawning from a single thought. I didn’t grasp how strong these chemical associations are and how my efforts to permanently change my experience were about as effective as throwing water on a grease fire.

Thoughts make chemicals.

Drawing of test tubes with chemicals in them.
Image courtesy of Kalle_89 on Pixabay

Whenever we have a thought, we make a chemical.

If we have a stressful thought, we make a stress chemical.

If we have a loving thought, we make a love chemical.

Dr. Joe Dispenza explains this journey of chemicals in his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself:

Every time you have a thought, there is a biochemical reaction in the brain —you make a chemical. And as you’ll learn, the brain then releases specific chemical signals to the body, where they act as messengers of the thought. When the body gets these chemical messages from the brain, it complies instantly by initiating a matching set of reactions directly in alignment with what the brain is thinking. Then the body immediately sends a confirming message back up to the brain that it’s now feeling exactly the way the brain is thinking.

Dr. Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Everything is connected.” In this case, it’s true.

You cannot have a thought without something happening in the body. They are intricately linked and each ‘spies’ on the other to stay in sync.

My spiritual teacher is constantly reminding us to ‘be in the body’ and ‘connect with the body’ when seeking guidance. There is a good reason for this — the body doesn’t lie.

The body is the best indicator of where you are placing attention (and then creating a thought) based on how you feel.

The body’s feedback creates our state of being or the signal we emit.

When that signal is received by the quantum field of energy, it sends back a matching signal that we experience as our personal reality. The quantum field loves you so much, it denies you nothing. If you send out a negative signal, you will experience more things to feel negative about until you change the signal.

In essence, we are always asking for evidence of how we feel by the signal we emit. The quantum field will always comply with our requests — it loves us that much!

Most of us send out negative or stress-filled signals unconsciously and then question why we are experiencing a conscious reality filled with energy that doesn’t feel good. What most of us don’t realize is we created it ourselves. We participated in our suffering.

Now that we know our thoughts make chemicals, we can make the chemicals we want by thinking thoughts that feel better.

Let’s go back to the title of this blog: The Chemical You: You Are What You Think About.

What do I mean by that?

The relationship between thoughts and emotions is so close, we could say it is a bit co-dependent.

When you have a thought and make a chemical, you have decided (either unconsciously or consciously) how you will feel. This is because that thought’s chemical creation is now communicating with your cells and asking them to hang out for a while.

Your cells like this chemical because it’s hung out with it before. They are becoming very fast friends. They hang out so much, they are becoming addicted to one another.

The longer they hang out, the stronger of a signal they send back up to the brain letting it know they want to continue to hang out. They tell the brain that’s what they plan to do. And the brain wants synchronicity, so it complies and keeps sending that chemical to the cell.

Now, your thoughts and emotions have become so intricately linked, it’s hard to stop the cycle or even see the individual pieces. They are on a rollercoaster, zipping up and down between your brain and body, bathing the cells in chemicals and causing you to feel more fearful, angry, frustrated, mad, and out of control.

Now, you are fearful, angry, frustrated, mad, and out of control. Those are now your state of being. Instead of simply experiencing them, you have become them. There is no separation between your emotions and you. You are them and they are you.

You are what you think about.

Our repeated thoughts keep us stuck in the past.

Black and white image of woman meditating.
Image courtesy of mleonascimento0 on Pixabay

Do you know the three main components of our outward focus?

They are:

  • Our body
  • Our environment
  • Our sense of time

Most of our internal responses are triggered by outward stimuli.

Do you know the definition of the word ‘belief’? It’s simply a thought we think over and over again. That’s it.

Most people react to their circumstances versus what they can create beyond them. This is why many of us find ourselves stuck in cycles we don’t like — we hold a belief that the outside circumstances need to change before we can feel better.

When I say most people are reacting to their circumstances, what I mean is, most people are reacting to past events that they have no control to change or fix.

Let me give an example.

It’s Saturday morning and you wake up feeling refreshed. This is the day you’re going to change your life, feel better, and take back control!

You roll out of bed and steal a peek at your phone. A friend posted a picture from last night. In it, he’s wearing a bright green shirt. Very quickly and without your conscious awareness, you react to that green shirt because of a memory.

That shirt takes you right back to a moment a few weeks ago when a man in the grocery store wearing a similar-colored shirt shamed you in the produce aisle after some apples fell off the display.

Your thoughts about this experience create an emotion — anger. Now, a chemical is sent to your cells that says, “Okay everyone! We just got orders! Turn on ANGER!”

Your cells start to bathe in those anger chemicals, sending a confirmation message up to the brain that they’ve complied with the original thought.

Suddenly, your bedroom is a million miles away. You are so consumed with the memory of this experience that your body thinks it’s happening now. Because of this, it sends more confirmation messages back up to the brain that it needs more anger chemicals. The brain complies as you fall deeper and deeper into a thought-churning maniac.

Your body is now living in the past. It is responding to your thoughts about this event and strengthening the neural networks that have already formed.

While you keep looking at your phone and feeling the shame, anger, and frustration of that experience, you create more of it. Now, you’re in a spin cycle, regurgitating the same thoughts and emotions over and over again. There is no room in your awareness for anything new because you keep telling the field you want evidence of your anger. Because it loves you, it complies and sends in more things for you to feel angry about.

If you have no tools to pull yourself out of this, you will likely remain in this state of being all day. And all you will create is more of the same.

Every person has the power to be more aware of their thoughts and choose the ones that feel best.

Unfortunately, most people are lazy thinkers because no one taught them overwise. And because many humans live on auto-pilot, they won’t even know to question or change their thinking. That’s why most people on this planet seem lost — because they are.

This week, take some time to notice what thought/emotional trigger sets you off. Write it down.

Then, notice how easy it is to go into unconscious thinking. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it happens.

Gather information on yourself and take notes. This is a powerful way to do a self-inventory. No one will ever see this so be honest. This is for you and your life. Don’t cheat yourself.

Please understand: those thoughts and emotions that don’t feel good are not loving to you and are not serving you.

Most people believe they have to ‘work harder’, but that is not true.

We have to be better aligners. To align our thoughts and emotions with what we want and what feels good.

I remember a long time ago (and in another life), my acting coach said: “This is simple but that doesn’t make it easy.”

I would say the same is true with manifestation.

It’s simple, but not easy.

The work is simple: Be aware of your thoughts and always choose those that feel good.

But that doesn’t make it easy because our conditioning gets in the way.

Remember: you created all your current circumstances with your thoughts and you can change them with your thoughts.

It’s that simple.

What challenges do you face with manifesting?

What is the coolest thing or experience you’ve manifested?

What are you aligning with now?

I’d love to know in the comments!

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7 thoughts on “The Chemical You: You Are What You Think About

  1. Incredible. Truly an incredible piece, Elizabeth. I have just started this book but this so eloquently sums up what I’ve made of some of it so far. Thank you for putting this into layman’s terms while still being intelligently constructed!

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